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Reaching a Generation Leadership Academy Forums KM-08 Discussion 1 Exposure to various churches

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  • #63742
    Mignon Duvenhage

    Firstly, growing up, I was quite familiar with the Dutch Reformed Church. Services were quite formal and had a specific structure to them. Singing hymns from the hymn book, scripture reading, offerings taken up and then the sermon. It was unusual to hear a pastor preach around the topic of the Holy Spirit.

    Secondly, once I started going on mission trips, we were exposed to many different churches. The first one being the United Reformed Church. At that point in the history of our country, this denomination consisted mainly of black or coloured congregants or based out of missions churches in rural settings. In coloured communities, I found the service style even more formal in comparison to the Dutch Reformed church I grew up in.

    The Apostolic Faith Mission church in a rural village where we minister was quite fun to attend. The service had a set program (with a program director), but was rather lively, with a great focus on worship, prayer (including people praying in tongues) and the Word of God preached in a loud voice!

    Lastly, I have been privileged to be a part of an inter-denominational church both in Cape Town and here in Mokopane. Both churches place a high emphasis on God’s Word, have an emphasis on the Spirit alive and active, are very missional in their approach and value people of all ages, with a special focus on children.

    Worship is more contemporary. Services include Sunday services, holiday clubs for children and youth, worship and prayer nights etc.

    Typically, the service would run as follows:
    – Welcoming and prayer
    – Worship
    – Announcements
    – Sermon
    – Altar call
    – Prayer and worship

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