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    In Matthew 17:24-27 and Matthew 22: 15-22, Jesus taught on the responsibility to obey authority and to pay taxes. God has put authority in place to protect and govern citizens. Jesus further had an opinion on wealth, on money and on stewardship. See Matthew 6:24- 27 and Matthew 25:14-30.

    Read the article “Money and Possessions – God’s Wealth in our Hands” (p. 143) from the Africa Study Bible.

    What ethical principles can you draw from the above Scriptures in Matthew and the article from your Africa Study Bible for the management of money, integrated with how Christians are to live by the law of the Spirit, and not to be governed by their flesh?

    Describe any instances where you have read about, experienced or seen these biblical principles used in the wrong way and the result


    Topic: Money and the bible

    From this passage, we extract a profound lesson: no one can serve two masters, for we can truly commit to one, either God or Money. This makes a clear choice and highlights that our loyalty and focus should be on just one thing.
    We live in a world where people made money look like God, they started to worship it instead of God. Sometimes it’s easy to lose your relationship with God when you get influenced by money. I have seen many Pastors treat their church members according to what they can offer. I saw people being rejected at the prayer lines because they did not come with money to give to the prophet. Those who offered more were given titles and positions in the church, which is not a good practice. Churches are suffering today because of the love of money. When God created money the idea was not for us to put it above Him.
    In Matthew 6:21 (NIV) Jesus says, For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. This indicates that our relationship with money can reveal what is truly important to us.

    Simba Chomsora

    Some Christians believe that money and wealth is a form of evil and corruption. I believe to the contrary that money and wealth can very easily corrupt you, but it is not evil. Money and wealthy can cause us to be arrogant. Wealthy people are easily deceived into thinking that they created their wealth on their own. This in turn leads to an attitude of arrogance and superiority. Some people are being deceived into believing that it provides real security in their lives. Some believe that they are powerful, and you now have all what you need. This causes people not to be able to see your need for God. Therefore, wealth creates the belief that you are sufficient and have no need for God.

    Simba Chomsora

    a) Genesis 1 and 2 Human life is created by God and is good. Since we are uniquely created in the image of God and formed by God we hold the sanctity of all human life.
    Jeremiah 1vs2The promise of Gods purpose allows us to let go of our own plans and to receive Gods plan without fear. Like Jeremiah and Jesus, we need to accept that our future is not our own. We are God’s. He has a distinct plan and purpose for our lives.
    Psalms 139 from before birth, God had a plan for our lives and has been actively drawing us to himself.
    Galatians 3:26-29 God never intended the law to be the final solution for the problem of sin.
    b) The word sanctity means sacredness. It means that human life, we believe is set apart, is unique and sacred and special by God. We having been created in the image of God, we are in his likeness, and therefore we are precious to him.
    c) For ministries and communities to show the value of every human life regardless of age, gender, disability, culture or any other factor that causes us to marginalize and take value from others they should never use other people for selfish gain, help those who are trapped by sin, help others find their God given purpose and also see every person as a precious creation made in God’s image.
    d) Each life is truly a gift from God. I can honor His gift by cherishing our own lives as well as respecting and valuing the lives of others. We are precious in His sight, and by trusting Him are being diligent in our choices, we can share light and truth with the world around us.

    Sisanda Chiyanzu

    Key Principles

    1. Respect Authority and Pay Taxes:

    – Scriptures: Jesus said we should respect authorities and pay taxes (Matthew 17:24-27; Matthew 22:15-22).
    – Principle: Christians should follow the laws of the land and pay what’s required, while keeping their ultimate loyalty to God.

    2.Proper Attitude Toward Money:

    -Scriptures: Jesus warned against loving money more than God (Matthew 6:24-27) and encouraged wise use of resources (Matthew 25:14-30).
    -Principle: Money should be used responsibly and as a tool to serve God, not as an end in itself.

    3. Living by the Spirit:

    -Principle: Decisions about money should be guided by the Holy Spirit, focusing on God’s priorities rather than selfish desires.

    Common Misuses

    1. Prosperity Gospel:

    – Issue: Some preach that faith will automatically bring wealth, which can exploit people and lead to disappointment.
    – Result: It can cause financial harm and disillusionment.

    2. Ignoring Civic Duties:

    – Issue: Some Christians might refuse to follow laws or pay taxes, thinking they only need to follow God’s commands.
    – Result: This can lead to legal problems and damage to their witness.

    3. Selfish Use of Wealth:

    – Issue: Treating money as a personal blessing rather than a responsibility can lead to hoarding and ignoring those in need.
    – Result: This goes against the call to use resources to help others and serve God.


    Christians should respect authorities, use money wisely, and let the Holy Spirit guide their financial decisions. Misusing these principles can lead to problems like financial exploitation, legal issues, and neglect of those in need.

    Eneresi Chomsora

    From the Scriptures and the article, I draw the following ethical principles for managing money:

    *Submission to authority*: Paying taxes and obeying laws (Matthew 17:24-27, 22:15-22)
    *Stewardship*: Managing God’s resources wisely (Matthew 25:14-30)
    *Prioritizing God*: Not serving wealth, but serving God (Matthew 6:24-27)
    *Trust in God’s provision*: Seeking first the kingdom of God (Matthew 6:33)
    *Generosity and giving*: Using resources to bless others (Matthew 25:31-46)

    Instances where these principles are used in the wrong way include:

    *Prosperity gospel*: Misusing Scripture to justify wealth accumulation and materialism
    *Financial dishonesty*: Embezzlement, tax evasion, or fraud in the name of “God’s blessing”
    *Lack of generosity*: Hoarding resources while neglecting those in need
    *Idolizing wealth*: Prioritizing material possessions over relationships and spiritual growth
    *Ignoring the poor*: Neglecting to care for the vulnerable and marginalized

    To live by the law of the Spirit, Christians should:

    *Seek guidance from the Holy Spirit* in financial decisions
    *Cultivate a heart of gratitude and contentment*
    *Avoid love of money and materialism*
    *Practice generosity and giving*
    *Trust in God’s sovereignty and provision*

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