Reaching a Generation Leadership Academy Forums Discussion 2: Sermon Types (3%)

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  • #61201

    1. Which type of sermon is your favourite: A topical message, a textual message, or an expository message?

    2. Why?


    A textual message would be my favorite because it focuses on a certain passage of scripture. This allows a thorough understanding of the text. It helps connect more profoundly with the Word of God and apply its teachings to my life. This message also requires me to be disciplined in studying the Bible so that I teach with understanding.


    The expository sermon is my favorite because it teaches you about the context of the passage and it make you to understand why it was written and to who it was written.

    Karlisle Julius

    I enjoy listening to an expository sermon, because it gives me context and helps me understand the passage better. This often increases my general understanding of the passage and Biblical message. Once I have context, I can begin processing how to apply it to my life.

    Sisanda Chiyanzu

    1. Favorite Type of Sermon: Expository Message

    2. Why?

    Expository messages are my favorite because they focus on teaching the Bible by carefully unpacking a passage verse by verse or section by section. This type of sermon emphasizes the original meaning of the text and how it applies to our lives today.

    I appreciate expository preaching because it ensures the message is rooted in Scripture, avoiding the risk of imposing personal opinions or misinterpreting the text. It allows listeners to engage deeply with God’s Word, often providing greater context and understanding. Expository sermons help build a strong foundation of biblical knowledge and spiritual growth, making the message timeless and transformational.

    Simba Chomsora

    1. Which type of sermon is your favorite: A topical message, a textual message, or an expository message?

    2. Why?

    My favorite in all those is a topical messed.
    A topical message focuses on a specific topic, and it allows me to pay more attention on a teaching or a preaching. It is easy for me to remember it and even the scriptures used as base of the topic. It inspires and encourage people to do more researches on the word.


    I love topical sermons because they focus on one specific theme, making it easier for me and others to understand and apply the message. By centering on topics like “forgiveness” or “faith,” these sermons give clear direction, so it’s simple to follow what the preacher is saying. This focus also encourages me to reflect on how the topic applies to my own life. When the whole church is studying the same subject, it brings everyone together, creating a sense of unity and spiritual growth as we all move in the same direction. Topical sermons use different scriptures to explain biblical truths, which helps me and the congregation better understand God’s Word and how to live it out daily. Overall, I think this approach makes the Bible more accessible and relevant, helping both individuals and the church grow together in faith.

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