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  • #89979
    Nomhle Mpotsha

    One day I attended course at my work place. It was included theory and practical. The practical side was required to build tents as learners on open field in the forest. In the forest is where furious wild animals, snakes and frogs are lived whereby there is no light. While I was in this situation God revealed scripture Psalm 23 and to me I usually knew this scripture at school as memory verse but, that day I received a revelation knowledge of the scripture concerning my situation. I understood that even David, as a shepherd boy saw God guiding and leading beside peaceful streams in challenges of the field. God renewed strength in the midst of fear. During night he is the light and a protector close to me. He cared and comforted me. His hands of blessings was over me and knowing that when things go wrong, hope is gone, over mountains and deep down in the sea is always there to show his goodness and unfailing love.
    Bible is God’s Word: In Genesis says that heaven, earth and all that is in it were created by God and he saw that it was very good. All scripture is inspired by God and useful to teach us what is true, to make us realise what is wrong in our lives, to corrects us when we are wrong, teaches us to do what is right, and to prepare and equip his people to do every good work.(2Timothy 3:16 ASB)

    Nomhle Mpotsha

    It was the day my younger sister, Lulu was sick under the attacked of evil spirit(demon) As I was in a distressed condition the people advised me to go to traditional healer. My sister did not helped until we visited the church. During the church service the pastor called people to altar it was the day I knew God.
    It was a happy day to me and had a feeling that the heavy burden has taken away off the shoulder and yoke from off my neck because of the anointing. (Isaiah 10:27 KJV)
    It prepare my faith and mind. The inner person was revived and I knew all things has passed away. I ‘m a new creation and I’m born again.(2Corinthians 5:17 KJV)
    It was two bible scriptures say ”In all things we more than conquerors through Christ Jesus who loves us”. ”What is impossible for people is possible with God.”(Roman 8:37 and Luke 18:27 KJV).
    I started to attend foundation bible class, home cell, whole night prayers, and outreach. My faith was built and saw things different. My faith was preserved until to day.

    Nomhle Mpotsha

    Jesus went into the synagogue where he noticed a man with a deformed hand. Since it was the Sabbath, Jesus’s enemies watched him closely if he healed the man’s hand (Mark 3:1-6 ASB).
    Analysis: Pharisees had a heart condition that grieved Jesus, their hearts were hard and insensitive to the needs of the people around them. They protected their religious traditions instead of obeying Jesus’s word.
    Wisdom: Jesus said to the man” hold out your hand” and it was restored.
    Problem solved: Jesus shows compassion and love to heal the man with a deformed hand on the Sabbath. They were so angry that they planned to kill Jesus. He risked his own life to show compassion and mercy to the needy man.
    The leadership displayed (was hope enhanced or vision provided): Jesus risked as he was standing with leaders to help the man with the deformed hand. I learned that we need to show compassion even when it may not be understood by others and we must show justice and mercy.

    Nomhle Mpotsha

    It requires sensitivity and understanding for an example, I grew in village where most people their beliefs are so steeped in cultural practices contrary to the bible and indeed the new convert needs teachings in order to follow Christ. At home I’m the one who accepted Lord Jesus Christ. One day I hand a conversation with my uncle about my Christian believe. He responded that the ancestors are God that as family they related to directly and he was so aggressive. This Christian belief is a new thing but, I did not retaliate with him to show respect for his beliefs and traditions.(My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6 KJV) because they rejected God’s knowledge as their creator. My uncle knows now that my family are born again, children of God but it took long time to be converted. Benefit for new convert is to guide and correct not alienate or cause him to backslide in faith. To emphasize the grace and forgiveness offered through faith.(Ephesian 4:8-10) Let the love be a driving force behind all interactions and caring. Prayer for wisdom and direction of the Holy Spirit how to approach situation. Help her/him to find accountability partner for support and encouragement.

    Nomhle Mpotsha

    Worldview is basic framework that shapes out understanding of reality. The bible presents a clear worldview cantered on God, humanity and redemption through Jesus Christ. The understanding worldview is essential for interpreting scripture, living faithfully and engaging with the around us. It also requires continual study, reflection, and prayer to allow the truth of scripture to shape our thinking and our lives. (Genesis 1-11 These chapters lay the foundation for the biblical worldview, establishing God as a creator, humanity’s relationship with God and consequences of sin. African Study Bible)

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