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  • #90350
    Gabriella Masola

    Discussion Forum 1: Testimony

    How reading Bible brought about a change in my life
    Jesus said to Lazarus’s sisters, “This illness will not end in death. No, it is for Gods glory, so that Gods son may be glorified through it.” – John 11:4

    I’m likely to lose faith and hope. I’ve been living with the issue of blood since year 2024 march. I consulted the doctors at hospital and they ran blood tests and scans to find out what causes the bleeding, unfortunately they couldn’t find anything. I’m on antibiotics treatment. They told me that this bleeding will cause law blood in my system. Which may result in death.
    One day I was sitting on my bed in the middle of the night, there came the story of Lazarus in mind. I opened my bible to read and meditate on it. Lazarus was ill, yet Jesus said to Martha and Mary, “This illness will not end in death.” That’s when I learnt that not even the dead are beyond the reach of our Great Physician. No loss and grief is beyond the power of Christ to restore my health. From that night my life was renewed, filled with hope and faith. The fear that I had of losing my life was totally gone. I started to walk by faith and not by side.
    Bible is God’s word: Jesus declared that bible was God’s word. The authority and vision of the New Testament and Old Testament collection. Bible is the external sources point to trustworthy. It contains hundreds of fulfilled prophecies. The bible is full of foretelling prophecy that early in biblical revelation, the bible foretell certain events that line up with revelation. Its defense of the texts points to its divine origin. It is marked by one consistence and clear message .The Bible was gathered together by people of God as they recognize inspired revelation. The Old Testament records the creation of the world, the fall of human kind sin, the choosing of Israel, people preparing the way for the coming of Jesus. The New Testament records the story of Jesus the messiah and his follower, who spread the good news of Jesus. The Holy Spirit overcome human satanic blindness over their eyes and He reveals it to them. As Jesus put it in John 10:27 (NIV) my sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.

    Gabriella Masola

    Discussion 3: Jesus enhances hope and provides vision

    Luke 9:10
    Analysis: Jesus went to a town called Bethsaida when the crowds followed Him. And later His disciples came sending the crowd away to find food. Then Jesus commanded them to give them something to eat. The disciples had only five loaves of bread and two fish. The crowd was about five thousand men. Jesus has shown the hospitality through His actions as a host, welcoming 5,000 people. Jesus has compassion for the crowd. He put an importance of people’s need for food, presenting His concern for their well-being.
    Wisdom: This scenario of Jesus feeding 5,000 people support the fact that Jesus is the Lord that saves His people. His compassion is so unlimited that He gave His life foe His children. Jesus also uses other people to bless other people. This when Jesus asked His disciple to find food and found a boy who had five loaves of bread and two fish. Jesus decided to use them for His miracle and turn the five loaves of bread and two fish into something the crowd would be enhanced and fed.
    Problem-solved: Jesus disciple suggested to send the large crowd away to find food because they were worried about how to feed them. Instead of sending them away Jesus told his disciples to feed them, despite only having small amount of food. Jesus takes limited food, gives thanks and shared it to the disciples who then shared it to the crowd.
    Leadership in displays (hope enhanced and vision provided): Jesus saw that the crowd is following Him, He went to His disciple Philip and asks where bread can be bought to feed the crowd. Philip was listening to what Jesus want to do. It seemed impossible to him. The disciples didn’t tell Jesus that they wanted to feed the people, rather Jesus begin the work.
    What I’ve learnt about solving problems in the ministry- I grew up in the absence of my parents while my mother is alive. Living earthly life. I had no one to guide me in this life. I had no idea how to tangle problems and challenges I came across as a girl child. Until I became born again and know how to pray to God. First thing I asked from God was wisdom. To live by wisdom and knowledge that comes from God. I prayed regularly for wisdom and seek wisdom through prayer.

    Gabriella Masola

    Discussion 1- What is a Worldview

    Worldview is the viewpoint on life or belief system. Worldview symbolize person’s most important belief about the world, as well as the final values and heart commitments. It reflects how we would answer all those questions of human existence, about life and the world. Worldview is an important part of life. Our thoughts life. How people think of the world. Worldview shapes and inform our experience of the world and how we respond to those experience. Worldview shapes how we translate and value our experiences, how we try to figure things into our existing belief system. Worldview play main and explaining role in our thinking about the world, ourselves and about other people. Worldview provide basis and structure for all of our thinking of the world. How we interpret our experience and our respond. Developing and applying a Christian worldview is an essential part of our identification as believers, on growing ungodliness and spiritual maturity

    Greatest commandment in Matthew 22: 27 says that” You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. “This means thinking the way God want us to think. To see and understand the world the way God does. Romans 12 Apostle Paul said that” Do not be conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will be and His good, pleasing and perfect will.” Paul is saying, now that we are the followers of Christ. We must not think the way the world thinks, so that we can understand how God want us to live in His world. In other words, we need to develop and apply a Biblical Christian worldview.

    Gabriella Masola

    My authentic calling through the ministry started in 2008 after my house got burnt. And by that time i was 5 years old.I had no where to go with my family and this leaded my life into trauma at an early life was different from other children, because i couldn’t go to school when other children where schooling. i was behind and shattered. Then in my community came a team from America Iowa,blessman ministry.Who came in our village for children’s ministry. i went there with other children. when we get there, the first question they asked us was that,”Do you know Jesus Christ? i had no idea who Jesus was. Then they taught about the Lord Jesus Christ and asked if we would love to accept Him as our Lord and savoir. they also taught us how much God loves children.

    Matthew 19:14 Jesus said,” Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belong to such as these”. I got born again in spirit on that day and started to serve the Lord by attending Sunday school in the ministry. I enjoyed playing with other children and they were loving, honest and kind. That’s where my passion in the ministry developed.

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