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  • #90455
    Boshoff Pero

    I am going to be focusing on the first paragraph. “Good leaders must first lead themselves to Christ before being able to transform his/her family spiritually” I love the way that this was put, because you cannot teach what you do not know. The last thing I want to comment on is, “The leader should help improve each family member’s mental, emotional and spiritual health.”, because 1. this highlights the intricacies of family life, and 2. This sentence talks about overall health in a family context. I too believe that mental, emotional and spiritual health fors the foundation of a powerful family.
    Phenomenal work!

    Boshoff Pero

    The Spiritual Formation of a Leader’s Household.

    Before I can say what I believe a spiritual leader should do for the spiritual formation of his/her family, what does it mean to be a spiritual leader? To be called a “spiritual leader” you need a relationship with Jesus, a strong understanding and foundation in the Word (Logos). Leadership is influence, and to lead is to love. To be called a leader one also has to be able to convey, explain, substantiate and back up your thoughts, beliefs, opinions and ideas. But if you turn out to be wrong and or your thoughts on a matter change, a leader must be whiling to admit that they were wrong.
    Now, back to the first question, what do I believe a spiritual leader should do for the spiritual formation of his/her family?… I believe that it is the responsibility of a spiritual leader to insure that their whole family not only knows Jesus but to have a personal relationship with Him, because as Christians we believe that without Jesus one can not go to Heaven, instead you will suffer for the rest of eternity! So insuring that your family will spend eternity in paradise is one of if not the most loving things that you as a leader can possibly do!
    Secondly, a spiritual leader must equip their family with knowledge of the Word (Logos), because the Word is our greatest weapon against the forces of darkness. Not knowing the Word is not knowing what you stand for, not knowing the Word and going out is like going into a war with a water pistol, worse yet is sending those you love into this war with water pistols! Equip your family. Church is very important as it supplies a community of like-minded people that can build you and your family up, and they can keep you accountable. But at home you also need to stay committed to empowering your family
    Lastly (there are many more things but this is going to be the last point I touch on today.) , a spiritual leader must build up their families spiritually, emotionally and physically. If the members of your family is emotionally damaged none of this matters, how can you love if you don’t love yourself? It goes without say that if you are not emotionally healthy you can not function as God intended for you to. Physically you need to be healthy as we a temples of the Holy Spirit!

    Above all, a spiritual leader should love his/her family, and be willing to do what is right. The easy choice isn’t always the right one. Being Christian is not easy but it is what we are meant to be, as followers of Jesus Christ we are called to make disciples of all tribes and nation, but ministry starts at home.

    Boshoff Pero

    In the match of 2023 I went on a medical outreach to Zambia with my church (Celebration Church Mokopane). Even though many people told me the I should rather reach out to communities near me, I still made the decision to go, because Matt 28:19-20 says “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age”. I new the there was a need in Zambia and because I was presented the opportunity to help, my mother and I both decided to go.

    After the first day of ministry I told my mother that this (referring to helping help get to know God and his love for them) was what I wanted to do for the rest of my life, and it true is what I want to do, even though my idea for how I want to minister has drastically changed. what do I mean by “my idea” you might be wondering, well about a year ago I was introduced to arm wrestling as a sport, I became very fond of it and I have become quite good by the grace of God. Most people do not have a personal relationship with Jesus, the arm wrestling community is no exception, so I truly believe that I have a calling to extend the Word of God to these people who would probable not have the opportunity otherwise.

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