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Reaching a Generation Leadership Academy Forums Discuss This: All Life Matters (10%)

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    Read Genesis 1 and 2, Jeremiah 1, Psalm 139 and Galatians 3:26-29. 

    In your own words, answer each question, a-d.

    a. Explain how each of these scriptures advocate for the sanctity of every human life, concluding with how Christ came to restore every human life to fullness in Him. 

    b. Explain what the Sanctity of Life is.

    c. What can ministries and communities do to show value of every human life, regardless of age, gender, disability, culture or any other factor that causes us to marginalize and take value from others?

    d. What can you do specifically?

    Write at least 200 words.


    Genesis 1 and 2 show that every person is special because we are made in God’s image. In Genesis, God creates people with great care and love. Jeremiah 1 shows that God has a plan for everyone even before we are born. Psalm 139 tells us that God knows and values us even before we are born. Galatians 3:26-29 teaches that in Jesus, everyone is equal and important, no matter who they are.
    The Sanctity of Life means that every human life is special and valuable because it is made by God. It means everyone deserves respect and care, no matter their age, ability, or background.
    Communities can show that every life matters by helping everyone, including the elderly, disabled, and those who are often left out. They can provide support and resources and work to treat everyone fairly. Education about kindness and fairness can help everyone understand that every person is important.
    I can show that every life is valuable by being kind to everyone. Stand up against unfair treatment and volunteer to help people in need. Listen to others and treat everyone with respect and care.

    Eneresi Chomsora

    a. These scriptures advocate for the sanctity of every human life by:
    – Genesis 1 and 2: Showing God’s intentional creation and breath of life into humanity, making us in His image and likeness.
    – Jeremiah 1: Highlighting God’s knowledge and purpose for each life before birth.
    – Psalm 139: Emphasizing God’s intimate knowledge and care for each person, from conception to eternity.
    – Galatians 3:26-29: Declaring that in Christ, all are equal, and He restores our true identity and value.

    b. The Sanctity of life refers to the inherent value, dignity, and worth of every human life, regardless of circumstances, as created in God’s image.

    c. Ministries and communities can show the value of every human life by:

    – Promoting inclusivity and accessibility
    – Advocating for the vulnerable and marginalized
    – Providing support and resources for all stages of life

    d. Specifically, I can:
    – Volunteer with organizations serving marginalized groups
    – Engage in conversations and advocacy for life-affirming policies
    – Support and resource individuals and families in need

    Sisanda Chiyanzu

    a. Scripture and the Sanctity of Human Life

    The sanctity of every human life is evident throughout Scripture. Genesis 1 and 2 highlight that humanity is created in the image of God, a reflection of His nature, giving each person inherent dignity and worth. Jeremiah 1 reveals God’s intimate knowledge of us even before birth, as He declares to Jeremiah, “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you” (Jeremiah 1:5). This underscores that life begins with God’s intentional design. Psalm 139 continues this theme, celebrating how we are “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14), with God being involved in every detail of our creation. Galatians 3:26-29 teaches that in Christ, every human life is equally valued, breaking down barriers of race, gender, and social status, emphasizing that all are one in Christ Jesus.

    Christ’s coming restored the fullness of life to humanity. Through His life, death, and resurrection, Jesus not only affirmed the value of every human life but also provided a way for us to be reconciled to God and restored to our intended purpose. In Christ, every life is given the opportunity to find true identity and worth.

    b. The Sanctity of Life

    The Sanctity of Life is the belief that every human life is inherently valuable, sacred, and deserving of protection. This belief is rooted in the understanding that humans are created in the image of God (Imago Dei), giving each person a unique and intrinsic worth that cannot be diminished by external factors such as age, disability, race, or social status. The concept affirms that life is a gift from God and should be treated with reverence and respect from conception to natural death.

    c. Demonstrating the Value of Every Life

    Ministries and communities can show the value of every human life by practicing inclusivity, providing support to the marginalized, and advocating for the dignity and rights of all people. This can be done by creating spaces where people of all backgrounds are welcomed and valued, offering support to those in need—such as the elderly, disabled, or economically disadvantaged—and standing against practices that devalue life, such as abortion or euthanasia. Ministries can also educate others on the biblical view of life, encouraging a culture of respect and care for every individual.

    d. Personal Action

    Personally, I can contribute to the sanctity of life by treating everyone I encounter with respect and dignity, recognizing their inherent worth as individuals made in the image of God. I can also volunteer with organizations that support life, whether through helping those in crisis pregnancies, caring for the elderly, or advocating for policies that protect the vulnerable. Additionally, I can educate myself and others on the issues surrounding the sanctity of life, using my voice to stand up for those who cannot speak for themselves. By living out these values in my daily interactions and decisions, I can help to promote a culture that honors and protects the sanctity of every human life.

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