Intergenerational Model

Intergenerational ministry is a model of Christian ministry which emphasizes relationships between age groups and encourages mixed-age activities.

This model contrasts with traditional models where the church is grouped according to age, gender or circumstances, such as broken marriages, youth activities, interest groups, etc. The intergenerational model is one we encourage, but we do not say that is the only model that works well in a church. Church members across ages should be encouraged to spend time together, learn from each other and minister to each other. 

Here are some examples of intergenerational activities within the church:

  • A worship extravaganza, prayer sessions, Bible studies, family fun days, family services and other family-orientated activities can bring together different age groups, if well planned.
  • Young people can be involved in home-based care visits to support the elderly, praying with the sick and ministering to the needs of their community.
  • Organised games between the young and the old can also help to bridge the gap between generations.
  • Family service projects can facilitate the ministry of families to their local communities (i.e. soup kitchen, life skills training workshops, Christmas box drives, assisting at an orphanage).

As you learn about intergenerational ministry in this course, think about these things. 

  • Have spiritual leaders in your church or Christian community designed programmes to strengthen the family unit and have an impact on church families? 
  • Are there intentional training programmes to equip all church members with an intergenerational focus for participation in the ministry of the church?

As you learn about intergenerational ministry, we hope you will gain knowledge, skills and intention to build these kinds of ministries in your church.

Assignment: The Five-Fold Ministry and Intergenerational Ministry (5% points)

In his article, Dr Wilson defines the roles of the apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher.

  • Use each of the roles in the Five Fold ministry and and summarise the role of each into a 2 to 3 sentence purpose statement.
  • Next, include the tasks or responsibilities of each ministry role, to show how each purpose serves an intergenerational (all-ages) community today.  

Example to use as your format: 


Purpose Tasks:  

Formative Assessment *