Assignment 2: The Tasks of Equipping, Edifying and Discipling Children, Youth and Adults (15%)

This will be a 4-page assignment; with 3 pages of lists and the 4th page as an essay
demonstrating your best ideas from pages 1 to 3.

● Equipping means to give tools or items needed to do a job.
● Edifying means to build up, make stronger, and able to succeed.
● Discipling means to make into a follower or disciple of Christ.

Page 1: Make a list of 3 columns, with the following headers: Equipping Children, Equipping
Youth, Equipping Adults. In each column, state activities you could use to this end.

Page 2: Do the same for edifying: Edifying Children, Edifying Youth, Edifying Adults.

Page 3: Do the same for discipling: Discipling children, Discipling Youth, Discipling Adults.
Conclude with a fourth page, in which you can integrate activities for a multi-generational
approach to equipping, edifying, and discipling. Show where activities can be inclusive of the
entire faith community.

Page 4: Intergenerational equipping, edifying, and discipling strategies (activities that would
work with a multigenerational group – all ages together at the same time.) Present this page in
essay, not list form.

Write a paragraph conclusion under your last page to defend the activities you have chosen as
appropriate or relevant for a multi-generational and intergenerational group.