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  • #78140
    Eneresi Chomsora

    After reading Chapters 1 and 5 in Brewster’s Child, Church, and Mission, I can think of a few situations where children and young people I know would be considered at-risk.

    One example is a young girl I know who is growing up in a single-parent household. Her mother works long hours to provide for the family, but this means the girl spends a lot of time unsupervised. She has started skipping school and hanging out with a group of older teens who are known for risky behaviors. The lack of adult supervision, combined with her social environment, puts her in a vulnerable position where she may be more likely to make poor decisions or face other risks like substance abuse or academic failure.

    Another example is a boy who has been bullied at school because of his learning disability. This has affected his self-esteem and has led to withdrawal from social activities and participation in church. The emotional toll is clear, as he is becoming increasingly isolated.

    To address these risks, our faith community could take several steps. One idea is to establish a mentorship program where young people like this girl can be paired with a responsible adult in the congregation who can offer guidance and support. This would provide them with positive role models and help them stay focused on their personal growth. We could also create more inclusive spaces in the church for children with learning disabilities, offering peer support programs to combat isolation and promote a sense of belonging.

    Eneresi Chomsora

    a. These scriptures advocate for the sanctity of every human life by:
    – Genesis 1 and 2: Showing God’s intentional creation and breath of life into humanity, making us in His image and likeness.
    – Jeremiah 1: Highlighting God’s knowledge and purpose for each life before birth.
    – Psalm 139: Emphasizing God’s intimate knowledge and care for each person, from conception to eternity.
    – Galatians 3:26-29: Declaring that in Christ, all are equal, and He restores our true identity and value.

    b. The Sanctity of life refers to the inherent value, dignity, and worth of every human life, regardless of circumstances, as created in God’s image.

    c. Ministries and communities can show the value of every human life by:

    – Promoting inclusivity and accessibility
    – Advocating for the vulnerable and marginalized
    – Providing support and resources for all stages of life

    d. Specifically, I can:
    – Volunteer with organizations serving marginalized groups
    – Engage in conversations and advocacy for life-affirming policies
    – Support and resource individuals and families in need

    Eneresi Chomsora

    From the Scriptures and the article, I draw the following ethical principles for managing money:

    *Submission to authority*: Paying taxes and obeying laws (Matthew 17:24-27, 22:15-22)
    *Stewardship*: Managing God’s resources wisely (Matthew 25:14-30)
    *Prioritizing God*: Not serving wealth, but serving God (Matthew 6:24-27)
    *Trust in God’s provision*: Seeking first the kingdom of God (Matthew 6:33)
    *Generosity and giving*: Using resources to bless others (Matthew 25:31-46)

    Instances where these principles are used in the wrong way include:

    *Prosperity gospel*: Misusing Scripture to justify wealth accumulation and materialism
    *Financial dishonesty*: Embezzlement, tax evasion, or fraud in the name of “God’s blessing”
    *Lack of generosity*: Hoarding resources while neglecting those in need
    *Idolizing wealth*: Prioritizing material possessions over relationships and spiritual growth
    *Ignoring the poor*: Neglecting to care for the vulnerable and marginalized

    To live by the law of the Spirit, Christians should:

    *Seek guidance from the Holy Spirit* in financial decisions
    *Cultivate a heart of gratitude and contentment*
    *Avoid love of money and materialism*
    *Practice generosity and giving*
    *Trust in God’s sovereignty and provision*

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